Environmental Policy

Holly Oak Tree Services shall be committed to reducing the impact of their undertakings upon the environment.

All our tree waste is recycled. The branches and cord wood are chipped into re-usable mulch (bio mass) & the wood is processed into firewood, planked timber and chainsaw carvings

All machinery is purchased with environmental protection in mind, and is kept regularly serviced and maintained to ensure optimum performance. Machinery is turned off when not in use or running idle.

Bio chain oil is used in our chainsaws.

Pesticides are used in accordance with the Pesticides Regulations 1986 part III of the food and Environment Protection Act 1985

Nesting birds and their eggs are protected by law under The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 and the Countryside Right of Way Act 2000. Many other species of animals are also protected i.e. Bats and Badgers. In the event of protected species or roosts being discovered during operations, we will stop work immediately and inform the relevant authorities for further advice.

We are trained in recognising potential bat roosts and ensure to undertake a habitat disturbance assessment at all sites before work commences.

We shall use general industry guidance and knowledge to help structure our activities and to help us to continually improve our environmental performance and reduce our environmental impact.

  • We shall ensure that the policy of the organisation is documented and maintained to be appropriate to the size and nature of the environmental impacts of our activities and services
  • We are committed to continual improvement and the prevention of pollution
  • We are committed to complying with all applicable legal requirements and with other requirements which relate to our environmental aspects
  • The management system shall provide a framework for setting and reviewing environmental objectives and targets
  • This policy shall be communicated to all persons working for or on behalf of the company
  • This policy shall be displayed within the organisation always and shall be available to all interested parties

To meet this commitment, Holly Oak Tree Services Limited shall pursue the following objectives:

  • To ensure compliance with all applicable environmental legislation and guidance
  • Be prepared to deal with the demands of future legislative developments
  • To ensure that harmful impacts are foreseen and controlled including the lifecycle (including disposal) of plant and equipment
  • To reduce emissions
  • To prevent pollution
  • To improve waste management practices
  • To reduce consumption of natural resources
  • To minimise noise and other nuisances
  • To continuously assess environmental performance
  • To ensure that the working culture encourages constructive conservation
  • To assist in the management of ecology
  • To identify and safeguard wildlife

The necessary personnel and financial resources will be allocated to assist the company in meeting its environmental objectives.

In addition, the company shall continue to raise the levels of environmental awareness throughout its workforce and to promote this awareness to its customers and suppliers.

Employees shall be briefed and trained on environmental practice in the field and clients shall be actively encouraged to take advantage of our commitment to recycle all arising waste material.